I have to shake my head at everything that I am hearing on the news these days. But not for the reasons you may think.
Examples of getting what we asked for:
- We believed that everyone should be able to buy a house. The banking industry came up with a product to meet that demand. People who really couldn’t afford to buy and maintain a house didn’t read the contract and the future payments. RESULT: defaults on mortgages and the banking industry stuck with a lot of houses instead of money.
- We asked for cheaper products. The business community has answered us. To produce the product at those prices they have had to computerize, create robot, or go overseas to meet the price desired. RESULT: fewer employees.
- We pushed for an increase in minimum wages. It was passed. Now it the cost for employees has caused companies to computerize, create robot, or go overseas to continue to beat the competition. RESULT: fewer employees.
- In 2008 when companies were struggling and either closed or had to lay off employees we asked for help. The government extended the unemployment benefits. RESULT: higher unemployment taxes that companies have to pay (potentially at the federal and state level), thus increasing the cost of every working employee.
Secondary result: this probably isn’t true for everyone but these are some of the effects I heard from CEOs and business owners:
1) Employees tell them that they can make more from unemployment and don’t have to work hard.
2) Employees will work for a couple months and then quit so they can get back on unemployment.
3) Would rather be on unemployment than take a cut in pay.
4) They want to start out at the same rate that they were receiving at their old job. (Not at the starting salary/wage.)
So individuals are not working really hard to get jobs.
- According to reports the amount of debt most families are carrying is at an all-time high (they keep raising their debt ceilings). And we are being told that if we go out and spend more it would create more jobs. RESULTS: not 100% sure but would bet that it will increase the debt load of the same families.
- Companies are asked to create jobs. RESULTS: again not 100% but will this lead to increase cost of products or increased debt to the organization.
- We asked for lower taxes. The government has been working different programs to reduce the tax impact. RESULTS: the government has to reduce staff and that causes reduction in services or the ability to perform the services.
- We scream that the government has to do something when: there’s a flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, or any other disaster. WHERE IS THE MONEY SUPPOSE TO COME FROM?
In the last election I heard people interviewed that were sure that Pres. Obama would buy them a house, get them insurance and a job. Now where is that money coming from?
The situation we are in reminds me of a quote by Mao Tse Tung:
“It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances, its nature and its relationship to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or how to do it, or be able to do it well.”
In this quote I believe that he is referring to the natural laws that govern life. The natural cause and effect involved in every interaction. Individuals make decisions or take actions based on their view of the situation. They think they know all the facts or all of the consequences of their actions but they don’t. They believe that they are making “logical” decision and don’t realize that every decision has an emotion connected to it.
When I work with groups/teams I am amazed at their hesitancy to really look at the downside of the proposed decision. It someone will be negatively impacted their answer usually is something like “the good of the many out way the need of the few”, or “it will impact on a few people”. In a local debate the comment was “it will only negatively affect 1 business.”
So I believe that until we are really able to quit making quick decisions (or believing that there is one answer and your know it) and look at the better decision we will continue to spiral. I feel this is especially important within organizations. Employees, management, leadership, and owners need to work together to find the best solution for the organization. What is the overall best decision. I am sure that the impact will not be the same on everyone but what isn’t the goal for the organization to succeed so that everyone will benefit?
When will we get our pride back and take responsibility not on for our self’s but also for everyone around us. Why is it better to be on unemployment better than working 2 jobs? Why do we hate the government but yet want it to take care of everything?
We have met the enemy and yes it is us.
“Quick Decisions lead to Faulty Solutions”
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