Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Organizational Decoys

Why is it so easy for personal issues take center stage? I believe it's because most people believe that these issues are quick to fix. Plus it gives us a chance to solve something. We don't feel so helpless.

Take the newest "sex scandal." Why is it taking so much of our press time? Why is it the main topic in the news, conference rooms, and legislative resources? Sex scandals are "sexy". We are intrigued with the people who are in the light. And in a way we like to see the flaws. Then they are seen as mere mortals.

Political scandals have been around since the country was born. And yes there were "sex" scandals back in 1796. (Wikipedia) Yes they put into question the morals and ethics of the individuals involved. Yes, most individuals would find it appalling.

However, scandals (of all types) occur not only in the government but also in other organizations. It seems so easy to focus on that. People are fascinated with it. And while we are focusing on this issue the really important issues get put on the back burner.

Rep. Anthony Weiner may have made major mistakes. But let's look at another notable: President William Jefferson Clinton. Why didn't Pres. Clinton leave office? Why wasn't he impeached? How many CEO's, executives, actors, athletes, or other high profile individuals have been caught in improper behaviour? How many "regular people" have committed acts of discretion?

I am by no means saying that what Rep. Weiner or any of the others did was right. That includes my ex-husband. What I am saying is that what we should be focusing on. Yes Rep. Weiner has some explaining to do to his wife and the other women involved. But why is it taking up all the time and press. Shouldn't we be focusing on the important issues of our nation.

We need to realize that people are people and we all make mistakes. Even those religious leaders, remember Jim Bakker? (Christian evangelists scandals of all types go back to the 1920's and that doesn't include the scandals of the various faith organizations) Bakker has returned to preaching. Does his mistakes mean that he cannot continue his ministry? Don't know.

I for one would like to see Rep. Weiner and the rest of his colleagues get back to work and solve the issues that are plaguing our country. Those are issues that will take a lot of energy and creative thought to solve. I don't believe that Rep. Weiner should resign, I believe he should continue the work he was elected to do. Then at the next election, if he chooses to run for re-election, the voters of his district will decide whether he is the best person to represent them in Congress.

What about your organization? Do you have "personal" issues that are plaguing your success? Have you solved these issues? Let us know how you were able to resolve the issues and what you learned through the process.

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